An image of a Canadian flag entwined with a South African flag. 2 Canadian passports are in the right bottom corner. Relocating from Canada to the UAE

Relocating from Canada to the UAE: What you should know

As you read these lines, almost 3 million Canadians live as expats overseas. Relocating from Canada to the UAE has been the choice for 45,000 Canadians who search for a different life experience or new business opportunities. If you consider relocating from Canada to the UAE, our blog and the info we provide will surely come in handy. 

Relocating And Working In The UAE 

Canadians are no longer required to submit an application for a visa in advance; instead, they are granted entry upon arrival. Entry permits allow Canadians to stay in the UAE for 30 to 90 days. Stays can easily be extended by crossing over any country border, even if you spend a few hours in the neighbouring country. 

Anyone planning to work in the UAE will need a Resident Visa as well as a Labour Card. To receive these, you must first undergo a medical examination. If you have accepted a job offer to work in the UAE, your sponsor or employer will normally arrange the necessary visas and permits. A labour card is an identification card that must be carried at all times since you may be stopped by labour officials. 

Financial Tips for Canadian Expats In The UAE 

It is no secret that by working in the UAE, you benefit from its tax-free environment. Tax-free income means that you keep 100% of your salary for yourself. Expats should know that they would be subject to taxation if they leave the country before completing one full year. Unfortunately, large salaries in the UAE come with large expenses as rents, goods and services are quite expensive in cities such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi.  

Relocating to the UAE creates a new set of financial obligations that Canadian expats should consider. Whether it has to do with income tax payments back in Canada or savings and retirement plans, the lack of the right financial advice could prove costly when you need to have as many available funds as possible. Read our blog, where we share 5 financial tips for Canadian expats moving to the UAE 

Finding a home in the UAE 

Stats show that almost 70% of Dubai’s population lives in rented accommodation. Abu Dhabi’s figure is similar. If you are coming for the first time in the UAE, finding an apartment to rent would be your first choice until you spend some time in the Emirates and decide whether you would like to live here or move to another country.  

relocating to uae

Rental market conditions seem to have changed in the last two years due to the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences. Before the pandemic, it was not unusual for landlords to request a year’s rent upfront. Now, some landlords will accept up to 4 cheques. If you suggest paying a year of rent with just one cheque, you may be able to negotiate a better price with your landlord. Every tenancy contract must be registered into the Ejari system in order for it to be considered valid.  

Meeting other Canadian expats in the UAE 

Being thousands of miles far away from home might make you feel homesick. One tip to feel a bit better would be to meet other fellow Canadian expats who made the same life choice as you. Although the Canadian expat community is not as large as the others, it remains strong and active. You can search and find many Facebook groups to meet new people, ask any questions you might have, and why not hang out with them? There are also many websites such as Internations, Expatica, etc., where you can get in touch with many Canadians. 

However, considering that the UAE is a multi-cultural country you should think about meeting people from other nationalities and blend in. Keep in mind that you are all living and working in a country that it’s not your own and you can solve problems much easier when you are assisted by people that already had the same experience.  

 Relocating to the UAE with Holborn by your side 

One of the main reasons that Canadians move to the UAE is finding an opportunity for better financial rewards. Packing your stuff and relocating to a country so far away from Canada is not an easy task. Nevertheless, if you get the right advice, planning the move could get quite easier. That’s where Holborn can help you, as it was founded in Dubai 20 years ago.  

In our two decades of presence in the Middle East, we have helped thousands of expats enjoy the lives they deserve and achieve their financial goals. We recruit only the most experienced and highly qualified financial advisers in the market and we can offer high-quality services to our clients. If you plan to move to the UAE, fill in the contact form below, and we will make sure that you will get the right advice at the right time.  


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